Source: UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster
Country: Myanmar
Highlights of the month
- WASH surveillance template was finalized and started in some camps in Bhamo and Myitkyina area.
- KAP survey and PDM-HK templates were finalized and will be facilitated to Partners as a monitoring tool.
- Cluster supported to Oxfam facilitation about desludging technical working group meeting, TOR was stand by the end of August.
- WASH-SHELTER cluster joint meeting was done. The Coordination, cross cutting issues and technical issues were discussed by WASH and SHELTER actors.
- Participated in OCHA’s ERF (Emergency Response Fund) sharing with WAS partners in Bhamo.
- The cluster monitored the updated information of North Shan emergency and closely work with NSS WASH actors for response if needed.
- Organized to collect actual population data in camps and host families.
- Presented the last cluster review to RRD